Wwi Was Started by Germany Because It Was Being Surrounded by Countries It Perceived as Enemies, and Thought before Its Enemies United That 'attack First Was the Best Kind of Defence'
The physics that was taught in the 20th century was supposedly based on Einstein. In fact this is not the case, there was a conspiracy against Einstein and his theory was replaced by the physics establishment in 1925/ 1926 by a false theory that is still called Einstein’s theory. The conspiracy started before World war 2, and was maintained after the war because of Cold War tensions of wanting to keep atomic secrets from the Russians, and after that it evolved into a doctrine that prevents certain experimental research being carried out that can prove the 1925 theory as being wrong. Introduction Changes in science are supposed to come about when an experiment shows a theory to be wrong. My investigation into the theoretical structure of 20th century physics reveals to me that it is wrong. I then looked for the experimental evidence to support my views, and I found that research into the experiments that would reveal 20th century physics to be wrong, have been suppressed. Robert O Becker MD pioneering researcher in the field of biological electricity, twice nominated for Nobel Prize, has pointed out the harmful effects of the misuse of electromagnetism. He explains in his book Cross Currents that research into this is suppressed by a Conspiracy in science [1] : The military organism was designed on the 10 mW standard and, once in place, it had to be defended against the possibility of non thermal bioeffects. The recognition and validation of these effects would mean the collapse of the total organism and the death of [the US defence doctrine] "command, control, communications, and intelligence". My work on electrical control systems and the bioeffects of electromagnetic fields involved me in this controversy early in the 1970s. It quickly became apparent to me that evidence for non thermal effects was viewed as a threat to national security. Safety was not a consideration, because the military mind-set of the time held that despite the lack of actual hostilities, we were in a state of war with the Soviet Union. It was believed that our ability to prevail in that conflict required the virtually unlimited use of electromagnetic energy for all four facets of the "command, control, communications, intelligence" doctrine. This led to the policy of denying any non thermal effects from any electromagnetic usage, whether military or civilian. Becker then goes on to explain that researchers are not allowed funding for certain topics. This is very interesting, it is within this area of physics that my theorizing has led me to become interested. We have been greatly deceived. We have been led to believe that modern theory is supported by experiments, but we have not been told that the experiments that can disprove modern theory have been denied. This now requires a complete change in our mind-sets. What we have been led to believe about science has been a delusion. We are denied the experiments to prove modern theory wrong. It requires a complete break with the myths that we have been led to believe in the 20th century as regards Einstein and the development of modern physics theory. Bear in mind that having been denied experimental evidence in my theorizing, by what has turned out to be a conspiracy, I have had to abandon theorizing, and instead play the role of a detective in piecing together the clues left from history as to the real events at a scene of a crime. The relevant events start from 1925 which resulted in the physics community rejecting the physics that Einstein was advocating, in favour of another theory. Consider the possibility that when Einstein in 1925/1926 said that Quantum Mechanics was wrong, that Einstein was correct. The physics community at the time did not believe him. The events leading from 1925/1926 left Einstein practically alone in his physics beliefs, and the rest of the physics community believing something else. Modern physics is based on the perspective that Einstein was wrong from 1925/1926, either implicitly or explicitly. To every side of an argument there are two sides. We have not been told Einstein’s side of events. I now reconstruct them: History records sorry fates for heretics such as Socrates, Bruno and Galileo. These heretics upset the majority of people by telling them that their belief system is totally in error. Socrates was forced to drink poison. [2] Bruno was put on a bonfire [3] and Galileo was threaten with torture to recant. [4] Whether people talk about science or religion, they are still talking about belief systems. When Einstein popped up, on the surface it appears that he was treated much more leniently than the heretics of the past. But when you care to look deeper into the subject, below the superficial surface presented to science students, you find a much more different picture. On the surface it appears to be just democracy in operation, as the physicists take a vote as to which path theoretical physics should take, with Einstein’s approach losing the vote. It is presented to physics students as such. But when you care to really look. There is a completely different picture that emerges, which has all the hallmarks of a conspiracy. What appears democracy can easily turn into conspiracy. Both activities involve groups of people, if people engage in fair and open debate and reach a majority agreement without prejudice then it is called democracy. But if a group of people gang up and decide to persecute one individual, because of prejudices then it is conspiracy. The political climate in Germany at that time, was a great deal of hatred being stirred up against Jews by Hitler in particular against Einstein. In 1925 it does not seem a very favourable time or environment to be voting on the direction in which to take physics. There was so much hatred being stirred up against Einstein, by so many prominent scientists wanting a different theory than Einstein, it is highly suggestive that may be the vote was not conducted fairly. Well surely physics is a self correcting process, and if physics had become corrupted before World War 2 then after the war it would be corrected? You might naively think that, but consider the situation after World War 2, it was the start of the Cold War, the fear of the Atomic Bomb. The conspiracy that corrupted physics before the war, became the reason for continuing the conspiracy after the war: America wanted Russia to have as few atomic physics secrets as possible. This then ties into the conspiracy of science that Dr. Becker is talking about. A preWorld War 2 conspiracy in physics becomes a self perpetuating conspiracy for other reasons after that war. In 1925/1926 the science community rejected the path of physics that Einstein was advocating. Based on their beliefs from these events, the science community have put their interpretation onto history. Thus the history of 20th century science is itself a lie. Scientists believe they follow Einstein’s physics, when really their understanding of Einstein’s physics is now all wrong, because of the events around 1925/ 1926. Through schooling and college and university, scientists are being trained in an incorrect interpretation of physics. They are being taught to think in an erroneous way, effectively conditioned to think in this way, to believe in it and be unable to think in other ways. It is near impossible for them after all this training to then abandon practically everything they have been taught and believe. Any perspective presented to them that conflicts with their conditioned beliefs, now seem nonsense to their false way of thinking. The physics conspiracy works by being a battle over beliefs, where only one belief is allowed to be the physics establishment's belief system and the other is suppressed. Modern science can be demonstrated to be wrong, merely by looking at the relevant literature regarding its development. Scientists make claims such as saying their science is based on experiments changing their theories. However, if we merely look at the history of science, without considering the conspiracy now in science research, their claims are demonstrated as clearly false. Scientists like to speak in flattering terms of how perfect they are, but when a comparison is made with the historical record one find that on numerous occasions ‘scientists say one thing and do the complete opposite’. The lies are clearly shown in the history of science. No matter how much scientists bodge their experiments and theories to uphold their erroneous beliefs, modern science fails the test of history. [5] There are major inconsistencies in the history of science, as scientists have attempted to revise history so that it agrees with whatever is the prevalent set of mythologies that scientists like to claim is science. Small conspiracies involving only a few people are easy to spot, because this small group is not able to cover its tracks very well and leaves big clues behind. However, when a conspiracy gets bigger then more people are involved and the misdemeanors are covered up by more people, leaving only small clues behind that they exist. The bigger the conspiracy the harder it is to detect. Science is the quest for truth, but human interactions corrupt that process. Science is being pursued in an environment where people can place a greater value on emotions and other factors, than they do for scientific truth. No ‘real’ allowance for this is made in the scientific process. Indications of Conspiracy The points that indicate conspiracy are the following: 1. Climate of hatred at the time in Germany against Jews especially against Einstein: When Einstein became famous in 1919, Germany had just lost World War 1 , and the Germans were looking for someone to blame for losing that war. Einstein was an easy target for what became antiSemitism. The Nazis built themselves up from a campaign of hate directed first at Einstein. It was not helped by Einstein who as a pacifist disliked the Germans, his own people after World War I, because he viewed them as the aggressors who had started the war. [6] Certain people then perceived physics as being governed by a Jewish theory. [7] These people then attempted to steer physics away from the direction that Einstein was taking. When in 1925 / 1926 Heisenberg brought out a theory that Einstein disagreed with, these people would then have found have a theory to support against Einstein. The climate of anti-Jewish feeling in this conspiracy is one part of this corruption of modern physics. Psychologists have addressed their problems with their theories in this period of history. There was a split between Freud’s psychology and Jung’s psychology starting from 1913, and both camps had different followers. [8] Freud was a Jew and Jung was a Christian. [9] As Nazism spread, Jewish analysts were systematically harassed, driven out of scientific and psychological associations, replaced by their Aryan counterparts and eventually forced to flee for their lives. Freud’s theories were seen as part of "Jewish science", which the Nazis were trying to get rid of. [10] Jung was trying to create an Aryan version of psychology to replace Freud’s theories during this period. Adolf Guggenbuhl Craig, a Jew and a renowned Jungian analyst said of Jung during this period : "Jung certainly was antiSemitic. But everyone in Europe was anti-Semitic. The Jews were considered to be Christ killers. Europe was dominated by appeasers." [11] (Later Jung realized how he had been duped into following the Nazi movement.) Psychologists have reassessed their science in the light of the Nazis trying to destroy Freud’s theories and replace it with something else. But physicists like to think that their science is immune to these historical events. Physicists seem to display an amazing naiveté. I propose that the Nazis movement had their first victory with trying to destroy "Jewish science" with Einstein. When Einstein stood practically alone in saying the 1925 theory was wrong, this was in the same atmosphere that later faced Freud. The individual intentions of people is difficult to gauge. But there was this strong group of people that were opposed to Einstein because of racial hatred, and would not base their reasoning solely on the physics. Some physicists could have been voting from prejudices, while others could have been voting from trying to appease the racists. Many of the physicists voting against Einstein must have been trying to appease the anti-Semitism, the same situation as Freud faced. I have looked at the main players in the voting process, some were bullied to follow the majority, some were confused by the issues involved, and some were carried away with their own erroneous beliefs. It was just that the momentum propelling these main players was a background of hatred directed at Jews and Einstein in particular, that distorted the physics. Einstein’s version of physics was the first science that fell in this misguided attempt at appeasement. 2. Einstein’s lost theory: Einstein’s arguments against the 1925 theory have been portrayed as being only philosophical, and he did not have a contra theory to put in its place. But consider the following undated letter to Max Born around 1927, Einstein says: ........Last week I handed in a short paper to the Academy, in which I show that one can attribute quite definite movements to Schrodinger's wave mechanics, without any statistical interpretation. This will shortly be published in the minutes of the meetings. Max Born says that he cannot remember what the theory was about, and says that it has disappeared without trace. [12] Now Heisenberg +co’s Quantum Mechanics is based on a statistical interpretation. Thus Einstein had a different theory to Quantum Mechanics. [13] The conventional explanation that the physics establishment would like us to believe is that Einstein rejected Quantum Mechanics purely for philosophical reasons. But from this single scrap of information above, we now know that Einstein had a different theory, and so that part of conventional belief is wrong. And Einstein's quantum theory mysteriously disappearing is very suggestive of something being covered up. The people who want the history of science to reflect their beliefs have had a long period in which to cover their tracks. They appear to have been a bit lazy in places. Oh, well to err is to human. 3. The general public recognised Einstein as a great man, but physicists ridiculed him after 1925: Einstein said that the physicists who believed in the 1925 theory were wrong, eventually he made famous quotes like ‘God does not play dice with the universe.’ Bohr replied ‘Einstein don’t tell God what to do.’ There were many exchanges like this, which if you look at them carefully were making Einstein the ‘butt’ of a joke, and belittling him. Once you start doing that to a person it becomes easier to ignore what that person is saying, and that is what happened to Einstein. Eventually the majority of the physics community ignored what Einstein had to say. Physics students were taught a reinterpretation of Einstein’s theory, and discouraged from following Einstein’s approach to physics. After Einstein rejected the new theory of 1925, the physics community reacted in rejecting Einstein as a ‘crank’. Einstein was aware of being viewed as an old fool. [14] In 1931 Einstein’s colleagues were no longer enthusiastic about his ideas. The older ones kept silent; the younger ones were beginning to make jokes about Einstein. [15] Despite the rejection of Einstein by the majority of the physicists, there were a number of good young physicists who sought out and appreciated proximity to him. But these young physicists had to ignore the widely accepted advice that for career reasons "it would be better not to work with Einstein." [16] To the population at large, Einstein was still perceived as a genius, but to young people engaging in learning physics, the establishment was managing to indoctrinate into them the belief that Einstein was wrong in his beliefs from 1925 and those ideas from 1925 were not worth pursuing. This process of indoctrination has carried on into today with ever more elaborate advertising campaigns carried out by the many popular physics books claiming that Einstein’s ideas after 1925 are not worth pursuing. All of this is so far very suggestive of a conspiracy, so I think I am justified from this evidence for reaching for the idea that there was a conspiracy against Einstein. What starts to make that suggestion a strong possibility is the activity of misquoting Einstein. The establishment wants Einstein’s support for its belief system, because Einstein is perceived as a hero, so engages in misquoting him, and making this the common knowledge for what we believe Einstein said. Everyone knows that Einstein said that the speed of light is constant, that the aether does not exists etc., it is common knowledge. Everybody is wrong. It takes a big shift in the way that we think to realize that Einstein did not say the things that he is deem to have said. This is a great psychological barrier to overcome. It means that most of what we think is Einstein’s physics is NOT his theory, but a revision. What did Einstein really say? LIGHT SPEED Einstein in a book that he revised in 1952, Relativity: the special and general theory [17] on page 76 he makes his important statement that in General relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which was a fundamental assumption in Special relativity, cannot claim any unlimited validity. And that Special relativity can only hold when there is no gravity affecting light paths. On page 93 he clarifies it further by saying that in General relativity the velocity of light depends on the coordinates of when a gravitational field is present. And that gravity defines the coordinates. So, light speed is not constant ! AETHER If you read most any standard modern physics text book, then you find that it says something like Einstein disproved the ether (aether), when it talks about the Michelson Morley experiment. However if you look at the book: Sidelights on Relativity Einstein says he did not disprove the ether, just showed that one version of it was wrong. [18] Einstein has been frequently misrepresented by the physics establishment who want him to say what they want to believe, such as a belief that the ether does not exist, and they then revise their version of history accordingly. What Einstein actually did was refine what could be meant by the ‘ether’ concept. But the Physics Establishment have redefined what Einstein meant by the words that he used, so that what Einstein said could fit in with their preconceived beliefs. So, we now have the situation today that physicists are taught that the ‘ether’ concept is nonsense, and we have another ‘ether’ concept being reinvented in Quantum Mechanics, but renames it as : quantum fluctuations of the false vacuum, zero-point energy, and other names. Really the "ether" concept evolved in General relativity and became called "space-time." But that interpretation gets lost in confusion as people try to think from Quantum Mechanics , and reinterpret General relativity in the wrong way. There has been a great deal of revisions as to what Einstein actually meant. It is one of the difficulties of science that when new abstract ideas appear, the necessary words to describe those ideas are not available. I have noticed in the context of Tesla that he was trying to describe his experiments, with a lack of a big enough vocabulary, and so was often using the same word in different sentences, but that word could take on different meanings. Einstein was trying to be much more precise with words that were available to him, but still his scientist contemporaries decided to reinterpret. ‘They’ did not want to accept Einstein’s theory in its original form, and altered it to suit their own tastes. The absence of barking dog It is obvious why the physics establishment revised Einstein’s theory of physics. It is because they wanted to bring Einstein’s theory in line with the 1925 theory, which Einstein rejected. The physics community proceeds in its enterprise by losing the original meaning attached to theories by the theories’ originators. It then professes that the theories’ originators are its heroes, and makes the claim of defending them. But what they are really do is defending its reinterpretation of those heroes. The people that it defends itself from can be people that have rediscovered the original meaning of their hero, but these people are labeled as cranks by some in the physics establishment, because they are unaware that they have a myth as to what their hero actually said. There should be a clear record kept of how the physics community is deviating from the original meanings of its heroes. Because everyone is being left in a state of confusion as to what is real and what is myth. The physics community wants the myth of their hero, and not the actual history. This is not made clear anywhere. Where is it written that the physics community is no longer in Einstein’s original theory of physics? Everyone acts as if it is Einstein’s original theory. Everyone is taught that this is Einstein’s original theory. They misquote Einstein to maintain that belief. They never admit to it being revised. Now the clincher that points it out as being a conspiracy for me. Sherlock Holmes pointed out in one case that the most significant clue was the dog that did not bark, when a crime was being committed. There is no ‘barking dog’ in this case, and that is most peculiar. Einstein has been revised, and no one jumps up and down saying I have proven Einstein wrong. No one gets the rewards and public recognition for making the next major advance in physics after Einstein. Einstein’s theory gets revised, but no one indicates where are the experiments that have disproved Einstein’s original theory. It can mean only one thing ‘cover up.’ Alarm bells should be going off. We have been denied a highly significant theory from Einstein around 1927. We have been denied a theory that is contrary to modern theory. We have had experiments suppressed that can show modern theory to be wrong, because of national security considerations. In short we have been denied the ability to do proper scientific research. But I with by little stick can knock over this ‘can of worms.’ The conspiracy against Einstein has evolved into the conspiracy that exists in science in the present day. It takes a great leap in mind-set to realize that what we believed was Einstein’s theory is not the original theory as which he was advocating, and that we have been subjected to a very clever advertising campaign to accept a revised theory as the original. Becker explains how the conspiracy in science works in the present day: experimental research is suppressed which has national security implications. This is easily achieved by controlling the funding of research. If a scientist finds results that do not agree with the orthodoxy he is subjected to ridicule. The experts that the establishment want are essentially ‘yes men’ who do as they are told and have lost their sense of originality, if they had any, i.e. ‘dummies’. So, the system that is set up in the public science research sector is anti"true scientific method" of free enterprise, and creates a deep prejudicial atmosphere against anyone of true original ideas. In other words it is an "antigenius" atmosphere, which seeks to promote people of lesser intellect, who then masquerade and pretend to be clever. The restrictions placed on public sector science prevents that sector from knowing what is the true theory of physics. As Professors Hawking and Penrose have described it, the fact that General relativity and Quantum Mechanics cannot be combined into a single theory, is a scandal. [19] The reason why it cannot be joined, is because the public science sector is refused permission to do experiments that would lead to such a theory. What the Black Ops science sector is involved in, who can say. (I suspect that ‘they’ have succeeded in deluding themselves.) Every now and again, we hear of things like : ‘the speed of light has shown to be exceeded’ by some experiment or other. But when you check into these claims, you find that they are not in general being made by the orthodox science community funded from the public sector, but rather from maverick scientists with independent funding. And these mavericks find that their claims are placed under a long review by the orthodoxy, after which the orthodoxy then dismisses the mavericks’ claims as being invalid. (Exactly the same methodology as Dr. Becker describes the science conspiracy works from.) W Macneile Dixon said: "Before you can examine things you must first become aware of them." [20] We have not been aware of this ‘can of worms’. Physics has dominated our rational thoughts, and many of our beliefs are centered around it, such as a belief in temporocentrism. (See Box.) Physics being wrong means that these beliefs such as temporocentrism are delusions. For instance many of us believe that a theory that has been rejected could not then turn out to be right. Our delusional prejudices prevent many of us from seeing that much of our ‘common held beliefs’ are now wrong. We are as much in the dark as medieval man when faced with the Copernician theory. If Copernicus was correct, then nearly everything that medieval man believed was therefore wrong. Medieval science had been building upon one core central idea namely that the "earth was the centre of the universe". If you said this idea was wrong, then all the ideas that were developed from that idea were themselves wrong. It was too much a shock for medieval man. Is it too much of a shock for 21st century man to realise that the so-called rational scientific man of the 20th century, has built everything upon one ‘core central idea’ that is wrong and hence lived a life of delusions? BOX Temporocentric Delusion There is a common belief among some people that science is about replacing old scientific theories with new ones, and not about what I am saying here that the correct theory has been discarded. This sounds like a step backwards, when these people believe only in steps forward. This has been called the temporocentric delusion by Peter James and Nick Thorpe, and is a hangover from 19th century ideas of progress. It is the result of a misunderstanding of Darwinian evolution, which believes that progression is always upwards never backwards. (This has led to many misinterpretations of the archaeological evidence.) [21] Temporocentrism can be shown to be a delusion, for instance in the case of cosmology most of the possible universes were argued over by the ancient Greeks, and so our modern cosmologists can hardly be said to be covering new ground with their ideas, most of their time. The Greeks had five different cosmological theories: [22] (1) the universe is one and eternal (for example, Aristotle); (2) the universe is one and created (Plato, at least on one construction of his views); (3) the universe is one and alternately, and everlastingly, created and destroyed (Empedocles, again according to one interpretation); (4) there are innumerable universes that exist in succession (a view attributed to Anaximander in Simplicius, for example) (5) there are innumerable universes that exist co-existent (the atomists) N.B. the word ‘world’ was most likely used to mean the same as the word ‘universe’, that we use now. It is by common beliefs that are in fact delusions, that enables the science ‘cover up’ to be carried out. People through their misconceptions believe that certain ideas are obviously wrong, and are then blind to seeing them as possibilities to be investigated. The easiest way to cover up a ‘crime’ is to commit it in front of people’s eyes and to tell them with authority that it is not a ‘crime’. People’s willingness to comply will enable them to see what they want to see: the ultimate delusion, and assist with disposing of the evidence. People work to their optimum efficiency when engaged in a shared state of mass hypnotic delusions. It takes a great deal of effort to break through this ‘conditioning’. Medieval man faced the same problem with Copernicus, as we face today. REFERENCES AND NOTES Allowances should be made for the following books, because most of them assume that modern physics is correct, while my perspective is contrary to that, namely I take Einstein as being right from 1925 onwards: [1] Cross Currents by Robert O Becker, Jeremy P Tarcher USA p 299 [2] Alain de Botton on British tv Sunday 30 April 2000 channel 4 at 7 pm Philosophy: A group of people that Socrates upset conspired together and arranged to condemn and convict Socrates, giving him a poisoned drink. [3] The View from planet Earth by Vincent Cronin, Collins, UK 1981, p 121 [4] ibid. p 117 [5] How scientists falsify their science is dealt with in Betrayers of the Truth by William Broad and Nicholas Wade, Century Publishing, London, 1982. Described on the blurb by New Scientist: ‘A commendable effort.. a scientific rogues gallery ... an excellent job of documenting the countless ways in which careerism has corrupted every field of science.’ From my perspective the book does not go far enough in its expose. From my perspective, science has been corrupted by the events of 1925/1926 in its handling of Einstein. The framework of modern science is falsified by these ‘Betrayers of the Truth’. [6] Dealt with in a lot of detail in Einstein: The Life and Times by Ronald W Clark, Hodder and Stoughton, UK 1973. [7] Ronald W Clark p 494 [8] Jung for beginners, Jon Platania, Ph.D., Writers and Readers publishing inc., UK 1997, p 28. [9] ibid. p 35. [10] ibid. p 37 [11] ibid. p 40 [12] The Born Einstein Letters : correspondence between Albert Einstein and Hedwig Born from 1916 to 1955 with commentaries by Max Born, translated by Irene Born, MacMillan , UK 1971, p 96 [13] Einstein during much of the latter half of his life got involved in trying to find a theory that combined gravity and electricity, and would appear to have lost interest in trying to find a theory to the subatomic realm. It seems most likely that he was trying to place his quantum theory on a firmer footing. [14] Albert Einstein: Historical and Cultural Perspectives edited by Gerald Holton and Yehuda Elkana, Dover USA 1982, p 243-244 [15] Albert Einstein: a biography by Albrecht Folsing, Penguin books, USA, 1998 p 648 [16] ibid. p 695 [17] Einstein A relativity: the special and general theory, This translation first published 1920 Fifteenth Edition Enlarged on January 1954 . Note from Einstein on 1952 , 1996 by Routledge London, p36. [18] Sidelights in Relativity, Albert Einstein [19] A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking Guild Publishing, UK 1999, p 12 Einstein's Miraculous Year, J Stachel Princeton University Press, UK 1998, p xiiicomment by Professor Penrose [20] The Human condition, W Macneile Dixon, Edward Arnold, UK, original 1937, 1964, p 160 [21] Ancient Inventions by Peter James and Nick Thorpe, Michael O’Mara books, UK 1995. [22] Ancient Cosmologies edited by Carmen Blacker and Michael Loewe, George Allen, UK, 1975, p 207 We are ‘puppets of our beliefs’ according to: The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore But she seems to overlook that modern science could be as much an erroneous meme (or belief system), as the other memes she talks about. For how Maverick scientists are dealt with and their heresy suppressed, see: Suppressed Inventions and other discoveries, Jonathan Eisen, Avery publishing, USA 1999 I can partially reconstruct Einstein’s lost theory, or at least find something very similar to it. Taking the view that Einstein had been right and misinterpreted from 1925 onwards. I then looked at the similarities to what Einstein was saying with what Tesla was saying. Tesla’s theories have been dismissed because they do not agree with the 1925 theory of Quantum Mechanics. Tesla was working from classical electromagnetic theory. The orthodox version of history would have it that Tesla was not working from any existing ‘complete’ theory of physics. But I found a quote from him mentioning a Roger Boscovich. Tesla said that Boscovich had found Einstein’s theory in the 18th century. I looked up Roger Boscovich. According to the orthodox version of history: Roger Boscovich is an anachronism i.e. a man of mystery as much as Tesla was , because he had ideas that were far in advance of his time. Orthodox physics’ history then likes to ignore Boscovich. According to what I have found out about Roger Boscovich he was highly influential with his ideas. The great scientist Michael Faraday got his ideas about electromagnetic fields from Boscovich’s ideas, and this was then turned into maths by Clerk Maxwell for the equations of electromagnetism. Boscovich had ideas about atoms, and this inspired researchers to look along those lines. Eventually Dalton got the credit for the modern idea of atoms. And Boscovich was ignored for any credit in the theoretical side by the orthodox version of the history of atomic physics, because Dalton + co were deemed to have developed their theory of atoms based on experiments. While Boscovich was working out ideas about atoms beyond the experimental ability of his day to test them, hence deemed as speculating. All of Boscovich’s ideas get deemed as speculation because they were beyond the ability of experiments to test in his day. But Boscovich’s ideas had a great influence in inspiring the experimenters to research along the lines that they did take. So, he influenced the development of physics, but gets written out of physics history as others make the experimental discoveries. Now Boscovich was a Jesuit mathematician priest, who was looking at the ideas of Newton and Leibntiz. Newton left at the end of his Principia and Optick books some queries that he did not know the answer to. Boscovich worked on Newton’s ideas and came up with a theory in 1750 where particles act in a non Euclidean universe. Einstein’s 1915 theory was non Euclidean physics i.e. based on the idea that parallel lines do not exist which translates to the idea that light rays bend under gravity The 1925 theory of Quantum Mechanics is really about subatomic particle physics. Boscovich’s 1750 theory was thus combining these two theories into one theory. Actually more accurately the 1750 theory would be called a prototype theory, i.e. it needed experimental work to fully develop it. Boscovich has been mostly ignored by Western science, although he is famous in his country. He has written a great deal about science, but it has not been translated into English. I believe Boscovich is the ‘missing link’ in physics theory. Newton built on Galileo. But there is not supposed to be a link between Einstein’s 1915 theory and Newton, where Einstein was revolution in physics not evolution. Yet add Boscovich to the historical picture and there is a progression from the theoretical ideas of Newton as they turn into the theoretical ideas of Einstein. And not only that, in this scenario: theoretical physics is one complete framework theory and not the orthodox physics problem of being unable to combine Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. Lancelot Law Whyte has this to say about Roger Joseph Boscovich [1]: ....Boscovich was the true creator of fundamental atomic physics as we understand it, for he was the first to introduce a clear conception of structure into physics and chemistry. Since a hundred years or more had to pass before adequate atomic observations would become available, his doctrine was not a theory tested by experiment, but a programme for atomic physics suggesting a way in which a unified theory might one day be reached. Boscovich's `new world' was an ideal atomic cosmogony, involving a new structural attitude to space and time. Moreover it was fundamental in the sense of being atomic and concerning itself with ultimate structure, Boscovich absorbed Descartes, Locke, Newton, and Leibniz, and fused what he needed into a unified structural interpretation of all known physical phenomena. He was the geometer of atomism, the Euclid of Democritus, thinking in terms of visual images of spatial patterns of particles. The following names include some of the most influential of those who used Boscovich's ideas , in most cases giving him credit were [2] : In Britain: Priestley, Young, Davy, Faraday, Clerk Maxwell, Kelvin, J. J. Thomson. In France: Clairault, de Lalande, Laplace, Gay-Lussac, Ampere, Cauchy, Seguin, Saint-Venant. Elsewhere: Fechner, Weber, Helmholtz, Hertz, Lorentz. Finally, here are some of the tributes paid to Boscovich by British physicists: Young (1807), while regarding Boscovich's theory as speculative said it `has prevailed very widely among algebraical philosophers' and `been considered by some candid judges as deserving the highest commendation'. Faraday (1844): `the safest course appears to be to assume as little as possible, and that is why the atoms of Boscovich appear to me to have a great advantage over the more usual notion'. Clerk Maxwell (1877): `the best thing we can do is to get rid of the rigid nucleus and substitute an atom of Boscovich'. Kelvin (1889) considered `Hooke's exhibition of the forms of crystals by piles of globes, Navier's and Poisson's theory of the elasticity of solids, Maxwell's and Clausius's work in the kinetic theory of gases . . . all developments of Boscovich's theory pure and simple'. `He referred to the inevitable theory of Boscovich.' Kelvin's views changed often, but he wrote finally (1905): `My present assumption is Boscovichianism pure and simple.' To which we may add the words of a fellow-Slav: Mendeleeff (1870): `Boscovich together with Copernicus is the just pride of the Western Slavs'; he `is regarded as the founder of modern atomism'. There is then a history of physics that connects all of these scientists, that forms an alternative physics. The ‘true’ history can thus show that orthodox physicists are working from a false theory, backed up by a false history. Hence the problems that orthodox physics has imposed on the world: electromagnetism causing health problems, damaging world’s environment, creating the UFO mystery etc., are the result of their false theory. SUPPRESSED HISTORY OF AN ALTERNATIVE PHYSICS AND THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST EINSTEIN 1. Overall Introduction 1.2 So, who was Roger Boscovich? 2.1 Suppressed Science : Introduction 2.2 Indications of Conspiracy against Einstein 2.3 Climate of hatred at the time in Germany against Jews especially against Einstein 2.4 Einstein’s lost theory 2.5 The general public recognised Einstein as a great man, but physicists ridiculed him after 1925
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مقایسه تاریخچه سیستم ثبت تروما در کشورهای توسعه یافته با ایران: 1382
Introduction:Today, Trauma is the most important public Health challenges. Trauma is the 4th cause of death at all age groups. in 2000,Trauma was caused 6 Million death in world as 3.8 Million un intentional injuries and 2.2 Million intentional injuries. Trauma death in 100 thousands is 99 in world and 58 in Iran. Complete and valid data and Trauma Registry system Can be useful in control, prev...
متن کاملA Study of Commentators` View of the Verse of Peace, 61 of Afal, If Abrogated or Not
Islam's view of Muslims` peace with others, even infidels, is expressed in the verse 61 of Surat Anfal, known as the verse of peace. Fariqain's commentators disagree on the interpretation of the verse and what meant by it; what said by the commentators has been given as two views in the paper. Some believe that this verse was specific to the early years of the Prophet's migration. At that time,...
متن کاملA Comparative Study on the Verses of Taqiyah in the Commentaries of Fariqain
By taqiyah is lexically meant to preserve and technically, to hide truth or to express something contrary to it for the sake of what is more important than expressing the truth. Taqiyah has been commonly used during human life as an agent for self-protection against enemies and opponents in the lack of force and power. This manner of meeting has been accepted by human reason as well as by Islam...
متن کاملInsects had it first: surfactants as a defence against predators.
Insects have evolved an astonishing array of defences to ward off enemies. Well known and widespread is the regurgitation of oral secretion (OS), fluid that repels attacking predators. In herbivores, the effectiveness of OS has been ascribed so far to the presence of deterrent secondary metabolites sequestered from the host plant. This notion implies, however, that generalists experience less p...
متن کاملA Comparative Study of the Principles of Fair Proceeding in Iran with Tax Litigation patterns in the United States, Britain, France and Germany
One of the most important economic topics in every country is considering tax issues as a way of increasing the government's income through attracting public confidence by observing the principles of proceeding in the tax system of the country which might likely cause a national production boom, increase economic growth rate, reduce unemployment and the fair distribution of wealth. In this rega...
متن کاملThe Role of the German Researchers in the Formation of Islamic Art Studies
In the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the increasing interest of the Europeans in the culture of the East, the first articles on the Islamic art and culture were appeared in German-speaking countries. In the mid nineteenth century, some entries in German encyclopedias were devoted to Islamic art, and from the end of the century, the first monographs on Islamic architecture and orname...
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